Friday, February 28, 2014

My album title

            I'm finally putting music to my lyrics. I know I usually write about lyrics, but this is new to me so I'm excited. It's been slow going, but I'm working on the right music to two of my songs. There's really not much I can say about it yet, except I'm enjoying the key of B for one of my songs. I'm probably over analyzing each note and which note goes with which lyric.

Enough about music, let's talk about lyrics!

Monday, February 10, 2014


When you're thinking of lyrics to a song you probably have tons of imagery and emotions floating through your head, and so many words to describe the images and feelings. Unfortunately, if you use every word that pops into your heard, or describe every image or feeling, it because anticlimactic. If you use to many large words, or any word too much, they begin to lose their meaning. That's why I always say re-write your songs. Think of the first song as a rough draft, read it over and tweak. If you repeat a word too much, find a way to reword the line. There or other word problems besides, big words and  repeating words.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pardon My Tardiness

           I have been busy studying for my math class, which hasn't even started yet. I have had no time to write anything, including anything for this blog. I know, why am I studying for a class that hasn't started yet? Well, I'm trying to be proactive. Also, I have been able to finish the first four tests for the  class. A's for all of them! Not impressed? Well, I usually suck at math, so it's good I've been studying. 

I did finish another song. I've got the title of another song, I'll begin work on that after the first week of school. School starts tomorrow!

So, due to my new school and work schedule, I will be posting at least once a week, sometimes twice.

Thanks for reading. Next post will be next Sunday!