I was waiting for Nick to pick me up from work yesterday, about 2:15pm, when I got a call from him. I thought he was calling to say he was out front waiting for me. "I was in a car accident," he says. "What!? Are you O.K.?" I was hoping it was just a fender bender. "I'm fine, my neck hurts. I hit my head." He sounded tired. "Are you sure you're fine?" I say, "Yeah, the cars are stuck together...I gotta go." Obviously, "O.K. I love you. Bye." I run to the back room at work and tell my boss what happened and that I wasn't sure if I would make it back to work that night, (I had another shift later.)

I called my mom to pick me up and take me over to him. Then I call his mom. We all get over there about the same time. An SUV hit the side of our Honda. Everyone is fine, short of a few bumps and bruises. I don't know all the technical jargon, but basically the cars jacked up. We only have one car. I was crying a bit...then I calmed down. I don't know how long it will be till it's fixed...if it can be fixed. We can't afford a new car...or a rental...or anything for that matter right now. But I believe a blessing will come out of this, so other than minor worry because of the situation yesterday, I'm very relaxed. I have faith that God will work it out.
For a brief moment though I didn't know how bad off my husband was and a million scenarios ran through my mind. He has no medical insurance! How are we suppose to deal with this!? I can't support an injured person for any length of time...all I could think was,
God protect him!!
and He did.
Now we just need a new car God!
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