Zoe has had some dramatic and depressing relationships in her life. When we were catching up on lost times she told me of a ex boyfriend who had beaten her up. She also told me of her husband (now ex husband) who had cheated on her for 6 months (probably longer). When she found out about her husband cheating on her she confronted him, and with no remorse he blew her off. Needless to say, she ended that.
With all of this happening to her it's been difficult, to say the least, for her to trust anyone.
A short time after my wedding (she was a bridesmaid) she met a guy. Now, in my opinion he's a pretty great guy. Unfortunately Zoe has had a hard time excepting that someone, for once, genuinely cares about her. To her credit, she realizes that she's having trouble getting passed her past. Zoe claims she "self sabotages," and I would have to agree. She has legitimate reasons for her fears and she's making great strides toward trusting him. So far he's been patient and understanding, and possibly a little annoyed with her. But he's stuck by and endured through her episodes of panic. Which is more than most.
So when Zoe told me he said, "I love you," I wasn't surprised. I'm sure he has his flaws, no doubt, but he's a good guy, and she's lucky. He's also lucky, because if she's half as good a girlfriend as she is a friend he wont be disappointed.
I wont say it's "Happily ever after." just yet. There's still a lot to be dealt with, and I'm sure they'll figure it out. But I'm glad that she found a good guy who is good to her and great with her son.
I sincerely hope everything works out for the best, and I can't wait to see where their relationship goes, and all the great things they have to look forward to together.
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