With all of this happening to her it's been difficult, to say the least, for her to trust anyone.
A short time after my wedding (she was a bridesmaid) she met a guy. Now, in my opinion he's a pretty great guy. Unfortunately Zoe has had a hard time excepting that someone, for once, genuinely cares about her. To her credit, she realizes that she's having trouble getting passed her past. Zoe claims she "self sabotages," and I would have to agree. She has legitimate reasons for her fears and she's making great strides toward trusting him. So far he's been patient and understanding, and possibly a little annoyed with her. But he's stuck by and endured through her episodes of panic. Which is more than most.
So when Zoe told me he said, "I love you," I wasn't surprised. I'm sure he has his flaws, no doubt, but he's a good guy, and she's lucky. He's also lucky, because if she's half as good a girlfriend as she is a friend he wont be disappointed.
I wont say it's "Happily ever after." just yet. There's still a lot to be dealt with, and I'm sure they'll figure it out. But I'm glad that she found a good guy who is good to her and great with her son.
I sincerely hope everything works out for the best, and I can't wait to see where their relationship goes, and all the great things they have to look forward to together.
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