Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Steal for Creativity

I do not support stealing of any kind, I merely advocate being inspired.
I've been thinking about song titles before song lyrics, which usually helps me flow into the lyrics when I have a base to jump off of. I have a few titles lined up, I will probably only end up using a few of them. I got the song titles from listening to other songs.

No, I did not steal the titles, but as I was listening to the songs I would write down thoughts that I would get or phrases that would pop into my head because of the song, from that I would get a title.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Album Title

        I'm working on my first album, which I hope will be ready for recording by summer, and I'm undecided on whether I should have one of those fancy "self titled" albums or give in an actual name. If I do give it a name, should it be obscure and have nothing to do with any of my songs titles, or should it be the classic name-it-after-a-song-from-the-album albums?  These are questions that must be answered.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Music room

My husband and I have an extra room in our house that we do absolutely nothing with, except store things, so with our tax return this year we'll be creating an amazing music room. I will be doing my research on exactly what I'll need, like those foam egg crate things
(Sound absorbing foam)

Thursday, January 2, 2014


New years resolution: Remember to write 2014 instead of 2013, be proactive with my homework this semester, don't be afraid to ask for help even if I look stupid, which I most likely will, and obviously work out, but that one wont be hard for me!